A Helping hand


Original price was: £50.00.Current price is: £40.00.


A helping hand is a new service from me and available to anyone who feels the need to get a little (or a lot) of help on their spiritual path and journey.

The path can be filled with love, light rainbow and Unicorns but it can also be challenging at times, and we can feel lost, lonely and lose direction.

If or when that happens you can reach out to me if you are drawn to and I’ll do my utmost to help you either through my guides or through drawing on my own experiences from over 20 years of walking the path myself.

This is a one-hour session either via Zoom video link or in person where we can talk about anything that you’d like to share.

Through that sharing, I will be guided to offer help, advice and offer a possible path forward for you if I can.

This session may also include one of the following:

A healing/cleansing or clearing treatment with either the Advocates of the Violet flame or the Dragon collective.

A Soul fragment retrieval.

A channelled message from your Guardian Angel, a guardian or guide.

Soul Shield upgrade or activation.

Soul singing.

These can be one-off sessions or part of an ongoing support system available to you as little or as often as you feel necessary.

To book one of these sessions, I suggest you contact me directly so that we can arrange a time and date to suit you, then make payment once those logistics are in place.

You can reach me via email: k@brotherofdragons.co.uk or on WhattsApp 0044 7979695021

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