Working with the Violet Flame One-Day Workshop


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The Violet flame is an immensely powerful and versatile tool with many facets to help us transform the World around us.

In this one-day workshop I will help to introduce the many energetic advocates of this incredible energy, including St Germain, Arch Angel Tzadkiel and The Lady Portia, the overseeing presence for 2025. As the energies of the new year start to take hold, the need for transformation and change is stark and obvious to all, we will learn about and work with some of the aspects of the flame and how to use them.

The day will include healing exercises, an activation of the trans-personal violet flame chakra for those present (or an upgrade if your chakra is already awakened), as well as Channelled messages and guidance from St Germain and Lady Portia to help us understand and navigate through this hugely transformative time for mankind.

Workshop Date: Sunday 6th October

Location: White Rabbit, High St. Glastonbury

Times: 10:30 am – 5:30 pm.

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